I'm Ramez Ramzy,
and I'm here to
industries with
Bold Ambition

A proud Amsterdammer, investor, business owner, social evangelist, and entrepreneur.
A proud Amsterdammer, investor, business owner, social evangelist, and entrepreneur.
My mission is to find innovative ways to build teams, partnerships, and businesses that create exceptional value for all involved.
As a professional and CEO of the Ramzy Group hospitality conglomerate, I pride myself on deeply understanding the needs of the business world and my ability to navigate and succeed within it.
I firmly believe that there are key elements to business success that have made a positive difference in every venture I've invested in and continue to make a difference in every business I'm currently involved in.
I find great pleasure in investing my time, knowledge, experience, and resources in individuals and ventures that show potential.
Would you be interested in exploring a professional endeavor with me?
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can work together.
Team leadership isn't something you can achieve overnight. It is something you need to learn.
We often have the feeling that we're an imposter, and someone's going to find out. Control this by acquiring knowledge. Because education is a lifelong journey.
My success is the fruit of working successfully with others. Understanding employee behaviour helps managers and supervisors understand what employees need.
Organisations only exist to achieve something that individuals can't achieve alone. This involves cooperative effort.
Becoming a leader isn't something you can achieve overnight. It is something you need to learn and train over a lifetime.
Skylounge Ventuno op 21e etage van Ruby Emma Hotel in Amsterdam wordt sensationeel
Ramez Ramzy droomt van 300 horecazaken, plus een plek in de Quote 500
Gezond fastfood op metrostation De Vlugtlaan
Horecaondernemer Ramez Ramzy opent healthy fastfoodpoints in Amsterdam
Horeca-ondernemer Ramez Ramzy: ‘over 5 jaar sta ik in de Quote 500’